中新网重庆新闻8月27日电(记者 肖江川)8月26日,重庆海扶医疗科技股份有限公司(以下简称“海扶医疗”)将其自主研发的阿是超声波治疗仪、海极贝超声关节炎治疗仪搬到2019中国国际智能产业博览会现场,为参展观众提供免费诊疗体验。饱受颈肩部、腰腹部和四肢部位慢性软组织损伤性疼痛,膝关节炎困扰的观众争相前来体验。
iChongqing news专访APAGE董事会主席李奇龙
“Along with Chongqing Haifu, I hope we can do more research and education around China and Asia-Pacific regions.” He said. According to Mr. Lee, APAGE will cooperate with Chongqing Haifu in 3 different ways.
iChongqing news专访国际妇科内镜学会(ISGE)前会长Hugo C. Verhoeve
he would love to introduce the technique into Europe as Europe is at the beginning of this field.
iChongqing news专访国际微无创医学会主席牛津大学泌尿外科副教授DavidCranston
“Chongqing Haifu is a company with great integrity and enjoys a good reputation internationally. We are working with them and excited to see the possible future development of different machines.”